:: Open Academy > Classes ::
Hialeah - OpaLocka Classes

Classes through the Open Academy take place at:
MDC = Miami Dade College, North (Not available at the moment)
11380 NW 27th Ave
Miami, FL 33167
Private Lessons (Youth & Adults)
Private Lessons are available for all instruments as well as voice. Work privately, one-to-one, with a teacher for a half-hour or an hour lesson; whether just beginning, studying for enjoyment, or seeking professional development, music knows no age limitation!
In private lessons, students develop technical skills with some of South Florida's finest performing musicians and teachers. Instrumental and vocal specialists work with the students to address their individual needs. Students work on musicianship and practicing skills, performance preparation and sight-reading. Lessons are scheduled on an individual basis, ongoing during the year and contingent upon teacher availability and student preference of lesson time and location.
Lessons are available in 7 and 14 sessions, in 30 and 60 minute increments. Registration is open all year.
Group Lessons (Youth & Adults)
Group classes allow students to enjoy the challenge of learning together and the sharing of their performing arts development. Group instruction is available for kids and well as adults.
Lessons meet once a week and will be charged monthly. Classes at MDC take place through a special contract and are contingent upon space and class availability.
Suzuki Violin:
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki was a violinist who developed a method for children to learn to play an instrument in the same way they learn to speak. This "Mother Tongue" approach is based on Dr. Suzuki's observation that children have a remarkable ability to speak and understand their native language at a very young age. Suzuki reasoned that children can easily learn music through this same process of listening and repetition. This class will study the concepts, philosophy and approach of the Suzuki method thorough study of Books 1 and 2 of the Suzuki Violin School.
Suzuki Violin |
Age: 4 - 10 yrs |
Price: $150 |
Dates: Sat. TBD |
Time: 10:00 - 11:40 am |
Location: MDC |
Group Guitar:

This class is designed to help learn basic chord patterns, picking techniques, two songs and how to tune your guitar. You will learn which basic chord patterns and rhythm techniques can be applied to different music styles.
Guitar for Kids |
Age: 8 - 15 yrs |
Price: $150 |
Dates: Sat. TBD |
Time: 12:00 - 1:40 p.m. |
Location: MDC |
Piano Class & Group Piano:
Be introduced to reading music, develop music appreciation and improve manual dexterity. Small group class of 6 allow students to enjoy the challenge of learning together and the sharing of their performing arts development.
Group Piano for Kids * |
Age: 8 - 15 yrs |
Price: $150 |
Dates: Sat. TBD |
Time: 12 - 1:40 p.m. |
Location: MDC |
*This group lessons may have up to 15 students.
Musicianship Classes for Young Instrumentalists:

In this challenging and stimulating program, all instrumentalist students develop competence in musicianship and are exposed to a broad range of musical literature while developing their performance skills with their own private lesson instructors. Classes covered include a graded sequence of solfege, theory, ear-training and sightsinging classes, and several workshops and masterclasses during the semester. Youth Musicianship Akademia includes private lessons.
This program is funded in part by South Florida Friends of Classical Music. Musical aptitude is required for entrance into this program.