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:: Akademia > Youth Program ::

Akademia Youth Program ~2018-19~

The Youth Program is a full-day Saturday music program for children with musical aptitude between the ages of 8 and 15. Children are admitted by audition only, and once accepted are entitled to a full day of music classes.

Program Residency & Expectations

  1. 1. All classes will be held at Miami Dade College, North Campus on Saturdays between 10 am to 2 pm.
  2. 2. The Miami Dade College North Campus is located at 11380 NW 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33167.
  3. 3. The minimum average time commitment in classes by each fellow is of 4 hours every Saturday.
  4. 4. Serious practicing and steady progress is expected from students during the semester to continue into the program.

Program Schedule

A typical Musicianship Youth Akademia Program schedule on Saturdays is as follow:

Time TBD............Private Lesson time is arranged directly with the instructor.
10:30 am - 12:00 pm ...................Music Theory; Solfege & Ear Training.
12:15 pm - 2:00 pm.....................Forum/Masterclasses (biweekly).

Private lessons are scheduled on an individual basis, contingent upon teacher availability and student preferences of weekly lesson time.

Program Fees & Scholarships

  1. 1. The fee for one academic semester (16 weeks, Spring, fall or summer) in the Youth Musicianship Akademia is $350. Program includes solfege and 14 private music lessons of 1/2 hour (30 min).
  2. 2. The fee for one academic semester (16 weeks, spring, fall or summer) in the Youth Musicianship Akademia is $660. Program includes solfege and 14 private music lessons of 1 hour.
  3. 3. Program includes bi-weekly masterclasses with guest artists. Very limited scholarships will be available to eligible talented and financial-in-need students. An audition is required.
  4. 4. Monthly Payment Plan is available to students who want to make recurrent payments in one semester (4 months) or whole academic year, 8 months.

Youth Akademia Age: 8 - 16 Price: $350
Dates: Every Saturday Time: 10:30 - 1:00 p.m. Location: MDC
Youth Akademia Age: 8 - 16 Price: $660
Dates: Every Saturday Time: 10:30 - 1:00 p.m. Location: MDC

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